Tourists who stray a bit from the Inner Harbour will soon find themselves on Government Street, ground zero for Victoria's souvenir and T-shirt industry. As touristy thoroughfares go, Government Street has more going for it than, say, the main drag of Niagara Falls, Ont. Its heritage buildings are attractive and well-maintained. And some of its stores (I'm thinking of Rogers' Chocolates and Munro's Books) shouldn't be missed. And you might even stumble upon a marimba band (be sure to toss a loonie into their bucket if you enjoy the music).
Hardcore shoppers will want to jag left when they get to Johnson Street, however. Lower Johnson Street (or LoJo) is where you'll find some of the best shopping in the city. (Or so they tell me. Among the many things I am not, shopper comes close to heading the list.) LoJo is mostly devoid of cheezy T-shirt places. Instead, it's lined with funky fashion boutiques, handmade soap shops and all kinds of places you'd never find in a suburban mall.
The real expert on LoJo (and the overall fashion scene in Victoria) is Times Colonist writer Sarah Petrescu. If fashion is your thing, you might want to go online and find some of her articles before you come so you'll be ready to make the most of the LoJo experience.