Thursday, June 25, 2009

How the heck do you get here?

I'm going to make a couple of assumptions here.
First, I'm assuming you are visiting Victoria by air from the United States. And second, I'm assuming you are going to want to visit Seattle and Vacouver along with Victoria. If you're going to be out this way, you might as well make it a trifecta (or a hat trick ... this is Canada, after all).
So here is how I would make the trip if I were you:
1. Fly to Seattle. That will be the cheapest destination from within the U.S. See all the sights there, not omitting the Experience Music Project, which is ultracool.
2. Take the Victoria Clipper to Victoria. It is a passenger ferry that leaves from downtown Seattle and arrives in Victoria's Inner Harbour.
3. Enjoy everything Victoria has to offer.
4. Take the ferry to Vancouver. You can get a bus in downtown Victoria that goes on the ferry, then takes you to downtown Vancouver, which is where you should stay.
5. When you're ready to go back, take this bus, which goes from downtown Vancouver to Seatac:
6. Reluctantly fly home.


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