Indians have been using jewelry for adornment since centuries. The significance of jewelry in the country is evident from the fact that on many auspicious occasions, jewelry forms a part of gifts. Though the trend of men adoring themselves has now faded away, many of them still use earrings, bracelets, pedants, etc. However, it is the Indian women for whom jewelry holds utmost significance. In India, jewelry is considered auspicious for women. Even poorest of poor women will have some kind of jewelry with them.
Jewelry design is so versatile in India that it varies from state to state. If some jewelry is so much popular in one state, it might not necessarily be popular in another state. However, some basic jewelry is common among all the women across India. Bridal jewelry like Maangtika, Earrings, Nose rings, Necklace, Mangalsutra, Bangles, etc.. make up basic jewelry which adorn women in India. Incidentally, even today, gold is the metal most widely used for bridal ornaments and over the last decade, these are increasingly being studded with diamonds.
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