Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rare Nita Naldi Film to be Screened at Cinecon 46

Nita Naldi publicity portrait for The Breaking Point

Our friends at the Society for Cinephiles have begun slowly announcing titles for the upcoming annual Labor Day festival Cinecon in Hollywood. This film fan is THRILLED to announce that the rare film The Breaking Point which features my favorite vamp will be screening at Cinecon 46. Please visit their website for more information on when, where and how you can attend Cinecon. They also have a Facebook page were you can keep current.
It's no secret that I am a big fan of Nita Naldi. She positively steals Blood and Sand right out from under Rudolph Valentino and Lila Lee. Like her vampish predecessor, Theda Bara, a paltry number of films with Nita exist. Any opportunity to see a new film featuring Nita, well, that's the most exciting news we've heard in a long long time. The Daughters of Naldi will be out in force, of that I am sure. I'm also thrilled to bits as there will be a Milton Sills film screening.


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