Monday, February 22, 2010

Looking for certain material -- Recycling

Good evening, 
I thought I would tell you guys that I am now accepting
most any type of  material, but I'll be telling the ones I need most.
I'm always on the look out for material to work with.
and since it's winter, there are no flea markets open, and the church basements are
getting rare in my neighborhoods. so I thought I would ask you my readers to help me
get some material your are not using anymore.
If you send me what you don,t use and I'll certainly be willing to make it worth your while.
Ex: a Tea wallet from vintage fabric, a pair of earrings from buttons.
here is a list of what I always need:
-vintage & fun  buttons, cabochon buttons
-vintage cotton fabric
-vintage jewelry and beads, broken chains, any kind of charms that you won,t use .
-old ribbons & laces
-anything computer, circuitry, key, 
-calculator parts

If you have any questions about any other stuff you might want to donate, please contact me and I'll let you know.  It's very important not to throw away anything, and if I can use it in something then, please ship it to me, and I'll create something for you in return.
Thanks for thinking about this and giving the earth a chance.
Another way of getting a Recupefashion creation.


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